State of the web3 gaming market:. - Most VCs are still depressed that p2e ponzis didn´t work.

20 Aug 2023, 15:28
State of the web3 gaming market: 🧵🎮 - Most VCs are still depressed that p2e ponzis didn´t work - Most VCs don´t fund or research web3 gaming anymore - They are the typical "me too" follower who gets bullish when others are bullish. Right now they are not. BUT we have great founders in the space who know that - p2e and true ownership are just features - If games use these web3 features, it enhances the player experience. - It builds loyalty and community engagement. - These founders keep building during the bear market. Gaming industry was sceptical about mobile gaming in 2008. Now mobile gaming is the leader. Some people are still sceptical about web3 powered games now. But the trend is inevitable. The first mover gaming studios like @ParallelTCG @AuroryProject @illuviumio will establish themselves as leading web3 gaming studios. Players will play their top quality games and enjoy p2e with tokens and true ownership with NFTs. Brilliant. You know about WoW, Marvel, Bungee, Pixar and how they succeeded: - People with fixed mindset evaluate things based on the past and say "your web3 games are not that". - People with "growth mindset" look where the ball will be and know that with top quality execution these web3 gaming studios can lead the new trend and become 10b+ enterprises. Cheers to all the builders! Thanks for the opportunity to invest with you and bet on the web3 gaming trend. It is a true tectonic shift in one of the largest online industries. 🔥😎 There is a massive alpha in web3 gaming research. Knowing which studios will succeed and which likely won´t can make it or break it for you as an investor. This is like investing in SNX in 2019. Or like keep investing in IOTA or EOS 😅 What is happening with $PRIME and $PDT is exciting but it´s only the beginning. When all "follower" investors get bullish, it will be a fucking blast.